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  • We sell pizza for lunch on Wednesdays. The cost is $1.50 per slice.

    You MUST order online on the FACTS Family Portal. Orders must be submitted no later than Monday night. Ordering will be closed early Tuesday morning to place our order with Big Poppa's Pizzeria in Hartland.

  • Mark your calendar and hoard no more! 

    We are holding a Fall Rummage Sale Fundraiser. We transform our gym into a HUGE resale shop for three days.

    Bring your stuff:
    9/15, SUN:   5pm-7pm
    9/16, MON:   9am-6pm
    9/17, TUES:  9am-4pm & 7pm-9pm

    Bring your friends:
    9/19, THURS:  9AM - NOON (Pre-Sale - $5 admission)
    9/19, THURS:  NOON - 5PM (FREE admission begins)
    9/20, FRIDAY: 9AM - 5PM
    9/21, SAT:       9AM - NOON (1/2 Off & $5 Bag Sale! Bags provided.)

    Click here to view/print/share our flyer: SALE FLYER

    Go to, like & share our Facebook event:

  • Want MORE Mustangs Merchandise? 

    This WHCA store has MORE items, including HATS! Place your order now and all THESE items are shipped directly to your house! No waiting for the school to place an order.

    This store was created by our PTF volunteers as a fundraiser for the students and staff of WHCA.

    Shop HERE

  • The Juniors & Seniors have begun fundraising for their class trip. If you hate all the GROSSNESS of the store BOTTLE RETURN, donate your RETURNABLES to them. See Laurie Matthews for more information.

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